Wilmette |
Code of Ordinances |
Article VI. YARD WASTE |
§ 22-137. Compost piles.
Compostable materials such as grass trimmings, wood waste, leaves, weeds, and other garden refuse may be placed in a compost pile, provided that it is enclosed in a fence, box or other barrier or container equal in height to the compost pile and in a manner to prevent materials from being wind blown. Said fence or box shall not exceed 100 square feet in area and shall not exceed five feet in height. The container shall be set back from the lot line equal to the setback for accessory buildings and shall not be located in the front or side yard, or on a drainage or utility easement. The depositing of garbage, pet waste, meat scraps or other materials that may attract animals or vermin to the compost pile or which may produce an obnoxious odor shall be prohibited.
Any compost pile shall be maintained in accordance with Illinois Department of Energy and Natural Resources guide entitled, A Homeowner's Guide to Recycling Yard Wastes, (reference numbers ILENR/RR-89/03 and XO4628-650M-3-90) as hereafter may be amended from time to time, which is incorporated herein by reference. In the event of a conflict between said guide and the provisions of this Code, the Code shall supersede the guide and shall govern the maintenance of compost piles to the extent of the conflict.
(Code 1993, § 7-7.4)