Wilmette |
Code of Ordinances |
§ 2-106. Rules of Order.
The following shall be the rules of order for the conduct of the meetings of the Board of Trustees:
Rule 1. The order of business of all regular meetings of the Board shall be as follows:
The roll of members shall be called.
Public comment.
Consent agenda. The consent agenda shall include all matters of routine business, which shall include, but not be limited to, adoption of ordinances, introduction of ordinances, land use cases with positive recommendations from a public body, minutes, reports, appointments, and contracts.
Reports of officers.
Report of Liquor Control Commissioner.
Standing Committee Reports.
New business.
Matters referred to standing committees.
At the beginning of the meeting, the President may advance any item of business because of the presence of interested members of the public, the relative importance of the item or other similar considerations provided that a majority of the Trustees present may require that the matter remain in the order stated on the agenda. A motion to maintain the regular order of business shall be non-debatable.
Rule 2. The President shall decide all questions of order, and in all cases where these rules are not applicable, the Board shall be governed by parliamentary law as set forth in Robert's Rules of Order, as revised.
Rule 3. Members of the public body discussing a question shall address the Chair, and no member of the public body has the floor until recognized by the Chair.
Rule 4. At any time a person desires to address the Village Board, its Committees or Commissions, at any point during a public meeting shall comply with the following Rules of Order as they relate to Public Comment.
The Village Board, its Committees, and Commissions shall allow for an agenda item titled "Public Comment" on its meeting agendas for every public meeting. During the Public Comment portion of a meeting, any persons who wish to address the public body on any matter of public business that is not a specific agenda item, on that meeting's agenda, may request recognition prior to the meeting or during the portion of the public meeting dedicated to Public Comment. Any persons who wish to address a public body on any matter of public business that is a specific agenda item may do so during the discussion of that agenda item.
During Public Comment or during the specific agenda item being discussed, each person who wishes to address the public body shall have no more than three minutes to do so after they have been recognized by the Chair. No person shall be entitled to speak more than one time during a meeting. The Chair or a majority of the public body members present may extend the limitation of time or grant additional time to individual speakers. The Chair's denial of or limitation on any request for an extension of time may be overruled by a majority of those public body members present. The Chair may also recognize and extend the time limit to speak during a specific agenda item to any directly interested party (or agent of) of that specific agenda item.
Public Comment portion of the meeting shall last no more than 30 minutes at each meeting. The Chair or a majority of the public body members present may extend Public Comment beyond 30 minutes and may allow any such additional time to be heard during New Business.
These Rules of Order do not apply to those persons wishing to address a board or commission as part of a required public hearing.
Any failure to adhere to the provisions of this section, and any such restriction or limitation upon any speaker, shall not impair or affect any ordinance, resolution, motion, or other action of the Village Board.
Rule 5. Matters not appearing on the regular published agenda shall not be subject to any final action by the Board. A matter of new business or old business shall not be considered to be on the agenda unless it is specifically listed under the appropriate caption. Except for matters raised by residents in accordance with Rule 4, a matter which does not involve the introduction of or a motion to adopt an ordinance or resolution shall not be voted upon or subject to any final action by the Board unless a memorandum has been submitted to the Trustees in advance of the meeting summarizing the matter and the scope of the proposed discussion.
Rule 6. A roll call vote shall be taken upon the passage of all ordinances, and upon all propositions to create any liability against the village, or for the expenditure or appropriation of its money, and in all other cases at the request of any Trustee, which shall be entered on the journal of proceedings.
Rule 7. All resolutions and amendments shall be reduced to writing upon request of the President or any Trustee, and shall be handed to the Clerk and read by the Clerk.
Rule 8. Standing and special committees, to whom references are made, shall in all cases report in writing the state of facts with their opinion thereon.
Rule 9. These rules, with the exception of Rule 5 and Rule 14, may be suspended when no objection is made or when a majority of the President and Trustees vote to suspend them.
Rule 10. Any vote of the Board may be reconsidered at the next regular meeting on motion of any Trustee not present at the time the order was adopted or on motion of any Trustee voting in favor of the order, but no order shall be rescinded by any less than the number of votes which was required to pass the order sought to be reconsidered.
Rule 11. Every Trustee who is present when a question is stated by the chair shall vote thereon, unless excused by the Board, or unless directly interested in the question, in which case, the Trustee shall not vote. The President may vote on all questions coming before the Board, but shall not cast a vote on a matter in which the President is directly interested in the question. "Directly interested" shall be mean a prohibited interest in contracts as provided for in the Public Officer Prohibited Activities Act, 50 ILCS 105/3 and the Illinois Municipal Code, 65 ILCS 5/3.1-55-10.
Rule 12.
The following motions are privileged and have precedence in the order set forth in this Rule. When a question is before the Board, no motion shall be in order but the following:
To lay on the table;
The previous question;
To postpone indefinitely;
To postpone to a certain time;
To amend; and
A motion to continue the meeting as provided in Rule 17.
The following motions shall be decided without debate:
To lay on the table;
For the previous question;
To continue the debate; and
To continue the meeting.
Rule 13. A motion to adjourn, which shall be decided without debate, is always in order except:
When the President or a Trustee is in possession of the floor for some other purpose;
When the roll of the members is called;
When the President and Trustees are voting;
When adjournment was the prior motion and the new motion to adjourn is made by the same Trustee that made such a motion or by a Trustee who voted in favor of the prior motion to adjourn;
When a motion for the previous question has passed and the previous question is still pending.
Rule 14. No vote of the Board shall be reconsidered or rescinded at a special meeting unless at that special meeting there is present as large a number of Trustees as were present when the vote was taken.
Rule 15. The President may designate matters on the regular published agenda which, in his opinion, are routine to be taken up for approval without discussion in a single motion following the presentation of Public Comment. If any Trustee requests that a matter not be considered in this manner, it will be taken up for discussion and action in the ordinary course of business.
Rule 16. The President may designate the maximum amount of time which may be devoted to the debate on any matter of business appearing on the regular or supplemental published agenda. Such designation may be made at any time prior to a vote on the particular subject is taken. If discussion exceeds the allotted time, the President may continue the designated time without additional motion. A majority of Trustees present may vote, without debate, to extend allotted time. Such allotment of time shall not be a bar to the President or Trustees calling the question and ending debate.
Rule 17. All regular meetings of the Board shall adjourn by 11:30 p.m. unless a majority of the Trustees present first agree to continue the meeting for a specific additional amount of time. A motion to continue the meeting shall be non-debatable except as to the amount of time. Any matter not disposed of prior to adjournment of a meeting that is on that meeting's agenda shall be placed on the agenda for the next regular meeting.