§ 2-1010. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this division, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:

    Alteration means a change in the exterior appearance of a Wilmette Landmark that requires a permit or as specified in the designation ordinance.

    Certificate of appropriateness means a certificate recommended by the commission indicating review and authorization of plans for alteration, construction, demolition or relocation of a Wilmette Landmark, or property, structure or site within a Wilmette Historic District.

    Certificate of Economic Hardship means a certificate issued by the Village Board after a determination by the commission that the previous denial of a certificate of appropriateness has resulted in a denial of all reasonable use or return from the property.

    Contributing means a classification, by the commission, applied to an area, property, structure or site within a Wilmette Historic District signifying that it contributes generally to the qualities that give the Wilmette Historic District historic, cultural, architectural or archaeological significance as embodied in the criteria for designating a Wilmette Historic District. The classification also includes a property, structure or site designated significant or contributing in the Wilmette Historical and Architectural Surveys.

    Demolition means as used in this section, shall mean the destruction or removal of a Wilmette Landmark that requires a permit.

    Exterior architectural appearance means the architectural character and general composition of the exterior of a property or structure visible from a public street, including, but not limited to, the kind and textures of the building material and the type, design and character of all architectural details and elements, including, but not limited to, windows, doors, light fixtures, trim and signs.

    Geographic feature means a land formation, whether naturally occurring or manmade.

    Non-contributing means any property, structure or site which has not been classified as contributing or significant by the commission.

    Place of worship means a church, synagogue, mosque, temple, or other building, structure, or place used primarily for religious worship and includes the grounds of a place of worship and accessory structures located thereon.

    Relocation means any reposition of a structure on its site or to another site.

    Rules and procedures means the rules and procedures of the Wilmette Historic Preservation Commission.

    Site means any geographic location associated with an event, person or structure.

    Structure means any improvement to real property.

    Wilmette Historic District means an identifiable area with definable boundaries designated as a "Wilmette Historic District" by the Village Board of Trustees and in which a significant number of the properties, structures or sites have a high degree of historic, cultural, architectural, or archaeological significance and integrity. Many of the properties, structures or sites included in the Wilmette Historic District may qualify as Wilmette Landmarks or be contributing and may or may not be contiguous. For the purposes of this chapter and unless otherwise expressly provided by the Village Board of Trustees in the ordinance for designation, all designations shall presumptively include the lots of record associated with structures located in the district.

    Wilmette Landmark means an artifact, structure, site, geographic feature or tree that has been designated, by village ordinance, as being a paragon for the cultural, social, economic, political or architectural values of the nation, state or village.

(Code 1993, § 2-16.13.9; Ord. No. 2009-O-31, 4-28-2009)