§ 4-194. Authority to impound.
Impoundment for observation. The village shall have the authority to seize and impound to a designated animal control facility any animal which the animal control officer has knowledge or a reasonable basis to believe:
Has threatened to bite, or has bitten, threatened to attack, or has attacked a person;
Has attacked or bitten another animal; or
Has rabies, or has been bitten by an animal that is reasonably suspected of having rabies.
Any animal impounded pursuant to subsection (a) of this section shall be under the observation of a licensed veterinarian for a period of ten days, or otherwise in accordance with the applicable state requirements.
Impoundment at owner's dwelling. When evidence is presented that the animal has been properly vaccinated against rabies within the time prescribed by law, the animal may be confined to the animal owner's dwelling, or, in a manner which will prohibit it from being out in public and biting any person, if a licensed veterinarian concludes that such confinement will be satisfactory and the conditions for redemption of impounded animals have been satisfied. At the end of the ten-day confinement period, the animal shall be taken to, and examined by, the same licensed veterinarian.
Impoundment for violations and other matters. In addition to any other remedies provided for in this chapter, the animal control officer may seize, impound, and confine to an animal control facility any of the following animals:
Any dog or cat without a valid and current animal license tag;
Stray animals or animals at-large;
Any animal constituting a public nuisance or considered to be a danger to the public;
Any animal that is in violation of any temporary or permanent quarantine or confinement order;
Any unattended animal that is ill, injured, or otherwise in need of care, or reasonably believed to have been abused or neglected;
Any prohibited animal under this chapter;
Any animal that a court of competent jurisdiction has ordered impounded or destroyed; or
Any animal that is part of an unlawful animal fight under section 4-63.
(Code 1993, § 4-8.1; Ord. No. 2011-O-32, 5-10-2011)